Tuesday, May 6, 2008

there is no straining effort in an overflowing life, and it is quietly irresistible. It is the normal life of omnipotent and ceaseless accomplishments into which Christ invites each of us to enter today and always.

He is filled with my blood, and he stands on my bones. his eyes are moist with my dew and he looks like me. He is my ticket into the next generation, my spaceship into the land of the young. He is my chance to give support and solidarity to a past of my destiny. He offers me one opportunity to be all that i wanted someone else to be to me. Healing him is the same as healing me. To love him is to love me. The process of saving him from making my mistakes somehow gives purpose to my deepest pain. I will endure whatever it takes to help him reach a star. He is a warm clay waiting to be shaped into a man.. he is myself, my friend, my comrade. He is my son!

Chosen by my heart or fathered by my loins, he is all that i invest in him today for the challenges of tomorrow. God grant me grace for fatherhood and wisdom for parenting. Without the guidance of God helping and training me, I cannot parent my son as i should.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

When Your Heart Opens

Did you ever feel so empty inside?
Did you ever lose yourself?
Did rivers flow from you heart to your mind?
Your heart open'd, you heard His voice.

Did you ever breathe air and exhale wind?
Did you ever fly with your eyes closed?
Did your eyes cry tears without end?
He open'd your heart-- He spoke to you.

Did you ever wonder what you look like?
Did you do something you never thought?
Did your fears turn to light?
You see with his eyes; Your heart open'd

I live like I breathe--
I know for I believe.

original poem by my son mak azubike (macalurs)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

titbits on leadership From John Maxwell

Basics Of Effective leadership

1 It always starts with a need.

2 That always sparks up a passion within a person

3 That person acts in response to that need

4 This actions move others to co-operate.

When you hear the many needs arround you, which one strikes a chord whithin your heart?

What Kind of specialist are you called to become?

What would you do before you die?

What would be your significant contribution?

Our giftings could be


Every one needs something we all need. When we find it we naturally influence others.

What is vision?

Friday, February 1, 2008

The God that sees

Through mountains high

Faith 2

Faith means having ' good cheer.' Sometimes people around you would think you to be irresponsible of simply 'fanatic.' In our world, considering all the bad news available on the world news, the twenty-first century christian needs a great deal of bouyancy of spirit. ti is a comstant battle in life to stay on top of things - to stay afloat. But taking a cue from the eagle, all we need to do is to spread our wings,our optimism, our faith, our vision ans our Joys and let the wind take us higher. The same wind that is sucking others into a whirpool of despondency, doubt and confusion can take you higher to the mountains.

Faith is knowing 'The lord is my shepherd,' he sees and watches over me. trust that the master cares. Trust that he knows. Trust that he is there listening and knowing and willing to help. The Bible says that he is an ' ....ever-present Help in times of trouble.'

"When we lift our inward eyes to gaze upon God, we are sure to meet friendly eyes gazing back at us for it is written: 'the eyes of the lord runs to and fro the earth.' the sweetest language of experience is ' Thou God that sees me.' When the eyes of the soul, looking up, meet the eyes of god looking in, heaven has begun right hear on earth." A.W. Tozer

What goes on in your mind when the trouble wont go away? When God takes his time and you are loosing ground? Faith is when you dont have all the facts straightened out; when the midnight has seemed soo long and God probably might have gone on vacation; when the clouds seem to have blotted out the tiny sparks of hope from the stars and yet you say " Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him"

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Faith is the holding out of the soul. It is an art of wading out into uncharted waters with an anchor's hold on the eternal faithfullness of an unseen God.

Faith is that willingness to dangle on a thread of hope based on the word of God instead of a stand on a rock of physical evidences.

Leaning on the bases of God's word as a foundation for certainty in an uncertain world with shifting shadows and grounds that give way; walking on the seas of life not bothering about who is responsible for carrying our weight; trusting the Holy Spirit to guide us in our Journey to a land he will yet show us, is the surest way to please God. A.W. Tozer put it this way:
" faith is the least self-regarding of the virtues...
Faith is occupied with the object upon wich it
rests and pays no attention to itself at all. While
we are looking at God we do not see ourself -
blessed riddance."

When we take our gaze off ourself that is the beginning of faith's adventure. ther is nothing as risky as not having faith in this adventure. to take cities for God, you must have developed a habit of sticking to God with a tenacity that says to God "where else can i go from your presence." To attempt great things you must have a knack for hearing only what God is saying through his word. This is the only gaurantee of land and a sare harbour. Nicolas of Cusa wrote 400 years ago:

"When all my endeavor is turned towards thee because all thy endeavour is turned towards me; when I look unto thee with all my attention, nor ever turn aside the eyes of my mind of my mind because thou dost enfold me with the constant regard; when I direct my love towardsthee alone because thou, who art love's self, has turned thee towards me alone, and what lord is my life save that embrace wherein thy delightsome sweetness doth so lovingly enfold me?"

Faith is dwelling in the secret place of the most High. It is not visiting there but living there all the days of your life. I have been through situationsof despair even to the point where the shadows of death loomed all around; where the battle lines were drawn and a host encamped against. In the fray and cries of battle all around me, I chose to stay in his pavillion... His secret place. I turned the battle and challenges over to God the Lord of Hosts and chose his rest. There you cease from all your labour and toils and stand on his word "it is finished."

The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 principle teaches us that by focussing 80% our efforts , resources and competitive advantages on 20% our most important activities, we gain the highest return on our input. If only we focused on our top 20 priorities we can end up achieving 80% of the results we desire.

John Maxwell has this advice to give: "control your day or your day will control you. Dont fill your day with the request of others. The issue is not prioritising your schedule but scheduling your priorities"

Monday, January 28, 2008


a cross section of members


Through Strong evangelistic campaigns first starting around Nigeria the first quarter of this year then we will spread out to other parts of Africa Asia and Europe. Our mission is to depopulate the kingdom of darkness and fill the media with the good news of Jesus and His love..

We Have our messages dubbed and are getting partners to participate in the distribution of the tapes and CDs to the unchurched.

Our ministry believes strongly in personal evangelism and on a one-on-one train and send method of propagating the kingdom message. Jesus did not only call us to get people saved but also to make them disciples. Dr. 'Chick' Shaver, my pastor, has been of great help to our ministry in providing material support, prayers , advice and encouragement in all aspects. I wish to use this medium to thank him specially and make a call for such sons of encouragement to join us in this noble task and call to evangelize

In all my dreams for the ministry, empowering the youths have been my major area of focus and concern. the youths are strong and form a greater percentage of God's frontal attacking force for taking kingdoms and territories. We plan youth development seminars, Talks, workshops, camps, mental and financial trainings in order to develop a skilled and God-fearing leadership for tomorrow.

Being an educator myself, It burns deeply within me to build a sound academic and skill-development institution in the nearest future where people from all over the country and Africa will come to receive empowerment. We know that the future of Africa is in our hands since we are the light of the world. We will show Africa how to do it right!

Being a trained counselor myself, spiritual, marital, financial and health advice is what I give best. Most of the cases I have handled in my 37 years in ministry, through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit have proved successful where the recipients had put in the necessary pre-requisites of faith and obedience.


Those Nights alone, I counted the stars. Instead of noticing i was but few, I kept my eyes on him that promised to make me many.

God has taken me through painful prunings because of the worldwide vision and because of the weight of it he would not afford to let me carry any unnecessary weight. The most painful aspect of the pruning being the series of lessons on forgiveness and letting go. God would not afford to lose me in the course of my work for and with him - no, not like a spanner falling into a river from an oil ridge. so i had to be properly pruned to ensure that I learned to stick to his hand while he was working with me.

The lord Has pushed me beyond just the point of mountain-moving faith, to the point of mountain-climbing and mountain-tunneling faith. This is the point where faith and patience is required to reach the promise. Just like the first man to climb the mount Everest, Hillary Edmund says : 'It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." So the Journey has become a journey of self conquest."The hardest victory is victory over self." Selected.

I look ahead and see a large crowd from many nations, tongues and tribes kneeling before the cross - reaching for the savior in my ministry. This will not be achieved by eloquent preaching and teaching but by the pre-rapture visit of the Lord to His Church, where he will fill his house with glory and all nations will crowd the gates of the church of the Living God in search of the presence , the holiness and the life-giving springs of water that will flow from the mouth of God's apostles and servants. There the blind shall receive their sight, the lame shall leap and walk, the deaf ear shall be unstopped and impossibility made possible.

It is purely a doing of God and whosoever purges himself of these earthly cares and ambitions and joins the chariot will be a vessel of Honour. God is looking for vessels of clay so that he can pour his glory into it so that the excellency if it all may be solely of Him.

He is coming with the clouds sooner than we expect. But first this Gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all nations including all Moslem countries. One man cannot do this alone but when we begin to unite and our eyes become single on one purpose - his purpose - not our individual ambitions. I am making a call, sounding an alarm on his holy hill. Whosoever will may come.If your heart burns as I say this then you are the one God is calling for this great world harvest!

Biography - History of the ministry

Rev. Festus joined an indegenous christian movement back then in the early 1970s, where he pastored its different branches all over the nation 10 years. There He also met his beloved wife of 28 years in marriage, Monica. Together they got wedded in the December of 1979 and have lived since then happily ever after. The are blessed with four children.

He resigned his appointment with the movement in 1982 to further his studies in the United States. There he obtained a Bachelors degree in religion (a focus on pastoral ministry) and a masters degree in Missiology in the Nazarene theological Seminary (NTS), Kansas City. He was ordained an elder in the Church of the Nazarene.

In obedience to God's instruction, Rev. Festus set out for his home land in the December of 1988, a time when it seemed it was the oddest choice to make considering the economic situation in Nigeria at that time. Under the auspices of the Church of the Nazarene, Rev. Festus pioneered a work on the first and only Nigeria Nazarene theological college (NNTC), which turned out to be a huge success with a flawless record of High academic standard and and administrative excellence. Linda Seaman states in her book Where the River Flows ;

"originally, Festus intended to stay in this position only until the church received government permission for missionaries to be assigned. Instead , he faithfully 'made up the hedge' and ' stood
in the gap' for seven years and did an outstanding job. Just as
important as his hard work has been his kind and gentle spirit and the holy life he has exemplified for these old /new Nazarenes.

The Church of the Nazarene owes a great debt to brother Azubuike, for without his sacrificial dedication to this enormous task, the growth and maturity of the church in Nigeria would have suffered"

With God Navigating his course, through seemingly uncharted waters, he set sail for his home town to plant a church. He resigned His appointment , Had no guaranteed source of income and and a mounting responsibilities - he knew he had his faith on a God of Much more than enough. From 1996 he built a ministry from the scratch which grew to over one hundred adults in less than 4 years. He had planted and watered and God gave the increase.

In 2002. he was called on to oversee the churches of the Pillar of Fire International in Nigeria for about 2 years beefore he was directed back to the church of the Nazarene by God where he is presently planting a church in Port Harcourt City Nigeria.

The Central Church of the Nazarene has in two years, experienced the hand of God in remarkable ways. It has a piece of Land ( about three plots) donated by an indigene of Rivers State, Where development is currently going on.

Miracles, divine healing and spirit-filled worship is part of the success stories of the Central church of the Nazarene Port Harcourt city
Nigeria. We will be overjoyed to have your partnership, prayers, financial support and visits.


Rev Festus Azubuike was born to late Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Azubuike in 1949 in a Uruagu, a small village in Nnewi in Anambra state of Nigeria. One of 10 children, he grew up a lover of nature and the God of Nature even in a childhood plagued with Hardship and struggles, all along having a faint inkling in the deep recesses of his soul that he will someday attempt great things for God.

Jesus called him and chose him for his own in 1968 during the Nigerian civil war. He backslid and during that period, made a a solemn vow to the Lord that If He (God) would help him survive the war, he would serve Him all the days of his life. He renewed his relationship with the Savior after the war in January 1970 and set sail through destiny to eternal life.

He answered the call to full time christian service in 1972 after he had "wrestled all night" it was a hard decision as he had already been a successful businessman who had only wanted to serve God as a sponsor of the gospel. The Journey he has since described as a "joy ride"
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I Love U all