Tuesday, May 6, 2008

there is no straining effort in an overflowing life, and it is quietly irresistible. It is the normal life of omnipotent and ceaseless accomplishments into which Christ invites each of us to enter today and always.

He is filled with my blood, and he stands on my bones. his eyes are moist with my dew and he looks like me. He is my ticket into the next generation, my spaceship into the land of the young. He is my chance to give support and solidarity to a past of my destiny. He offers me one opportunity to be all that i wanted someone else to be to me. Healing him is the same as healing me. To love him is to love me. The process of saving him from making my mistakes somehow gives purpose to my deepest pain. I will endure whatever it takes to help him reach a star. He is a warm clay waiting to be shaped into a man.. he is myself, my friend, my comrade. He is my son!

Chosen by my heart or fathered by my loins, he is all that i invest in him today for the challenges of tomorrow. God grant me grace for fatherhood and wisdom for parenting. Without the guidance of God helping and training me, I cannot parent my son as i should.