Monday, January 28, 2008


Those Nights alone, I counted the stars. Instead of noticing i was but few, I kept my eyes on him that promised to make me many.

God has taken me through painful prunings because of the worldwide vision and because of the weight of it he would not afford to let me carry any unnecessary weight. The most painful aspect of the pruning being the series of lessons on forgiveness and letting go. God would not afford to lose me in the course of my work for and with him - no, not like a spanner falling into a river from an oil ridge. so i had to be properly pruned to ensure that I learned to stick to his hand while he was working with me.

The lord Has pushed me beyond just the point of mountain-moving faith, to the point of mountain-climbing and mountain-tunneling faith. This is the point where faith and patience is required to reach the promise. Just like the first man to climb the mount Everest, Hillary Edmund says : 'It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." So the Journey has become a journey of self conquest."The hardest victory is victory over self." Selected.

I look ahead and see a large crowd from many nations, tongues and tribes kneeling before the cross - reaching for the savior in my ministry. This will not be achieved by eloquent preaching and teaching but by the pre-rapture visit of the Lord to His Church, where he will fill his house with glory and all nations will crowd the gates of the church of the Living God in search of the presence , the holiness and the life-giving springs of water that will flow from the mouth of God's apostles and servants. There the blind shall receive their sight, the lame shall leap and walk, the deaf ear shall be unstopped and impossibility made possible.

It is purely a doing of God and whosoever purges himself of these earthly cares and ambitions and joins the chariot will be a vessel of Honour. God is looking for vessels of clay so that he can pour his glory into it so that the excellency if it all may be solely of Him.

He is coming with the clouds sooner than we expect. But first this Gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all nations including all Moslem countries. One man cannot do this alone but when we begin to unite and our eyes become single on one purpose - his purpose - not our individual ambitions. I am making a call, sounding an alarm on his holy hill. Whosoever will may come.If your heart burns as I say this then you are the one God is calling for this great world harvest!

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